College and University Archives Section

The College and University Archives Section is one of the largest sections of SAA and includes archivists from big and small institutions, from solo archivists to those in large departments.  This section is open to any member of SAA who is concerned with the administration, organization, and care of records of institutions of higher education. 

Welcome to our website, where you can find official announcements, election and meeting information, and news about other important section business.  In addition, we maintain the Academic Archivist blog, where you'll find articles, case studies, and other news of interest to academic archivists. To stay informed about Section happenings, follow us on Twitter @AcademArchivist.

News & Announcements

Short biographies and statements of interest from this year's candidates for leadership positions.
Fall 2014 issue of The Academic Archivist, the newsletter of the College & University Archives section.
Winter/Spring 2014 issue of The Academic Archivist, the newsletter of the College & University Archives section.
Spring 2013 issue of The Academic Archivist, the newsletter of the College & University Archives section.
Summer 2012 issue of The Academic Archivist, the newsletter of the College & University Archives section.
Short biographies, statements of interest, and pictures of this year's candidates for leadership positions
Our section meeting at the SAA Annual Meeting 2012 in San Diego, CA
Syndicate content
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