Research Matching Spreadsheet

The SAA College & University Archives Section has created a Research Matching Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet serves two purposes:

  • You can add an entry to it when you have a research idea, and you're looking for partners.
  • You can add your name to an existing research idea to join someone else's team.

Both parties can browse the list and make contacts with people they're interested in working with on a research project. Think of it as the SAA annual meeting session proposal spreadsheet, but it is not geared specifically toward presenting at the annual meeting or the SAA Research Forum. The research does not need to be directly related to college or university archives; it can be broadly related to archives work.

We plan to hold regular casual meetings and lightning rounds for people to pitch ideas to others interested in participating in research. Presenters can expand on what they put in the spreadsheet and see if anyone wants to join them in their work.  Meeting invitations will be shared on the College & University Archives Section e-list.

For more information, please contact of of the College & University Archives steering committee members.