Repository Profiles

A repository profile is a set of questions about the implementation and use of an archival collection management system (CMS) or digital asset management system (DAMS) at a specific institution. Profiles aim to showcase various repositories’ uses of a variety of tools; encourage discussion (either individually or via the Collection Management section email list) of pros, cons, and comparisons of tools and systems; and allow members to contact, collaborate, and discuss workflow with other institutions.

Repository profiles are voluntarily submitted and thus may not represent comprehensively all tools currently available. The profiles represent an institution’s use of a particular tool at the time of submission; as such, they may not reflect current tools and workflows by that institution. Contact the institution directly if you want to know more about their implementation.

We will include your name, job title, and institution information on the Repsotiory Profiles website to encourage discussion and feedback about the repsoritosy tool that you reviewed. We will not share your email address on the CM Section Repository Profiles website, but we collect this information in case we have a follow-up question. 

If you would like to submit a repository profile, please fill out the Collection Management Section Repository Profile form. You can preview the form here, if you would like to gather all the information prior to filling out the google form. If there is a particular repository or tool you would like to see profiled, please connect with a member of the Collection Management Steering Committee. 


Content Management System Repository Profiles



Access to Memory (AtoM)




Local Application on Quickbase Platform

Digital Asset Management System Repository Profiles





Software That is No Longer Supported by Developers

Archivist Toolkit

Additional Resources

CM Section Repository Profile Form - pdf_preview.pdf619.89 KB