Call for Section Leadership Nominations!

Looking to expand your professional network? Passionate about advancing archives accessibility and disabilityrepresentation? Consider running for a position on the Society of American Archivists' Accessibility & Disability Section steering committee! 

In just our first year, we have spearheaded important projects such as the Archivists at Home document and steering committee members led the formation of the Archival Workers Emergency Fund. Join us in building a second stellar year!

Nominate yourself or a colleague to serve in one of the following leadership positions:

  • Vice-Chair (3 year commitment: vice chair, chair, and immediate past chair)
  • Steering Committee member (2 year commitment, 4 seats available)
  • Early career member (1-year commitment for students or professionals with 3 or less years of experience)

Candidate statements are scoped broadly, but are encouraged to address the following question: What would you like the Accessibility & Disability Section to pursue with your leadership? 

All are welcome to apply, including students and early-career archivists, but you must be a current SAA member and a member of the section. 

If you have any questions, please email ADS co-chair Lydia Tang The deadline to submit nominations has been extended to Friday, June 12th.