Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities

These Guidelines provide recommendations and suggest resources to help archivists provide services and spaces that are accessible and inclusive. They encourage respect for each person's right of physical control of their own body, assistive devices and related accommodations. They advise compliance with the ADA and other external accessibility standards, including at institutions that are not legally mandated to do so. Institutions are encouraged to conduct periodic comprehensive accessibility reviews touching on all areas of these Guidelines. Even if an institution does not have all the tools to accommodate every person’s differing abilities, working towards accessibility is key.

SAA Council Approval/Endorsement Date: 
February 2019
Sponsoring Group(s): 
SAA Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities_2019.pdf412.39 KB
SAA Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities_2019.docx74.01 KB

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