2017 Call for Nominations

The Encoded Archival Standards Section is seeking candidates for three positions: one co-chair and two Steering Committee members. The successful candidates will serve a two-year term (August 2017-August 2019). Nominees must be current members of the Society of American Archivists to be considered.

The EAS Section launched several exciting initiatives during 2016-17, including a webinar series and a social media presence.  If you have any questions about current projects or the work we anticipate in 2017-18, please feel free to email Elizabeth Dunham at Elizabeth.Dunham@asu.edu or Patrick Galligan at PGalligan@rockarch.org.

Nomination just takes a moment: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LRVPFMH

Or submit yourself as a candidate: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L6T9VK7


Sincerely, the leadership of the EAS Section:

Elizabeth Dunham, Senior Co-Chair

Patrick Galligan, Junior Co-Chair

Christy Tomecek, Laura Starratt, and Adrian Turner, Steering Committee members