Early-Career Members: Volunteer for SAA Appointed Groups

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SAA’s appointed groups are now seeking to mentor early-career members! Students and new professionals (with three or fewer years of experience in the profession) are encouraged to apply for this unique mentoring and leadership development experience.

77 Archival Workers Supported by AWEF!

May 1, 2020—To date, the Archival Workers Emergency Fund has supported 77 archival workers in need! Thank you to the AWEF Review Committee for their diligent work each week to get these fund dispersed!

Leading Library, Archives, and Museum Organizations Call on WIPO to Help Safeguard Cultural Heritage

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April 26 is World Intellectual Property Day, established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to publicize how copyright, patents, trademarks, and designs affect the world. Their focus this year is on innovating towards a “green future.” This is a welcome goal, but we must not forget the threat to the world's cultural heritage posed by the disastrous effects of climate change, and aggravated by the lack of appropriate copyright legislation supporting the institutions that preserve our common knowledge and heritage.

We Made the Match! Thank You for Supporting AWEF

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April 23, 2020—Thank you to the 155 donors who contributed more than $26,000 during Wednesday’s matching campaign for the Archival Workers Emergency Fund. With the AWEF Organizing Committee’s generous match, we raised more than $31,000 for the fund in just one day!

Double Your Donation TODAY to the Archival Workers Emergency Fund


We have unlocked the full AWEF Organizing Committee match!
THANK YOU to the 61 donors who contributed more than $7,150 this morning. Any further donations will help us support the 70+ applicants in need! Any amount helps.


Sign On! Advocate for Removing International Copyright Barriers In Light of Climate Change

April 20, 2020—Dear Colleagues:

I have represented SAA for several years at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to advocate for creation of archives-friendly exceptions in copyright law. Although in the midst of this pandemic our attention is rightly on caring for our health and that of our families and friends, I write to encourage you to add (virtually) the name of your archives to this letter.