Take Action Now! Support Supplemental Funding for the Humanities

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March 20, 2020—Yesterday afternoon, in collaboration with the Federation of State Humanities Councils, our colleagues at the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) submitted a letter to both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees outlining the many challenges that humanities institutions and educators are facing due to the COVID-19 crisis. They urged them to include supplemental funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities to alleviate these strains as part of Congress' next stimulus package.

SAA Council Statement on Impact of COVID-19 Health Crisis on Archives Workers

- Comments: 19

March 18, 2020—The Society of American Archivists is committed to supporting archivists during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The SAA Council strongly recommends that leaders, boards and trustees, and administrators of archives close public-facing facilities until archives workers are significantly less likely to be exposed or contribute to the spread of the coronavirus. While this decision is made locally, we urge decision-makers to act swiftly and proactively to authorize closures and remote work to protect the health of archives workers.

New Blog Post: "Making Room for Everyone"

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March 16, 2020—A new blog post has been added to Off the Record, the SAA Leaders blog hosted by the SAA President. In "Making Room for Everyone," SAA President Meredith Evans shares her President's Message article that originally appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of Archival Outlook. Read the blog post here. 

SAA Council Approves Guidelines for SAA Fellow Nominations, Plans for 2020 Annual Meeting

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March 11, 2020—During its March 6 conference call, the SAA Council:

SAA Systems Testing for COVID-19 Preparedness

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March 10, 2020—As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to have an increased impact on our communities, we're taking steps to keep SAA staff safe and healthy. On Wednesday, March 11, the entire staff will work remotely to test our systems and capacity for preparedness. We expect no disruption in the level of service provided.

Small and Diverse Archival Organization Needs Assessment Survey

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March 10, 2020—LYRASIS has been hired by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to develop a Small and Diverse Archival Organization Needs Assessment Survey. Thank you for your interest in the project—your support is critical to understanding the needs of small archives and supporting the field!

New Blog Post: "The Five-Ton Elephant: How Student Loans Are Crushing Our Profession"

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A new blog post has been added to Off the Record, the SAA Leaders blog hosted by the SAA President. In "The Five-Ton Elephant: How Student Loans Are Crushing Our Profession," SAA Vice President/President-Elect Rachel Vagts shares her experience and concerns about how student loans are affecting archivists. Read the blog post here. 

Stacie Williams Appointed SAA Publications Editor

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Stacie M. Williams, director of the Center for Digital Scholarship at the University of Chicago, was appointed Publications Editor of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and will begin her three-year term on April 1, 2020. The appointment was made by the SAA Council following a five-month search.