12 August 2020
DSGS/WCS Joint Section Meeting - SAA 2020
Please review the following statement prior to the start of the section meeting:
Community Engagement Agreement
- Steven Booth, SAA Council
- Cal Lee, SAA Editorial Board
- Blake Spitz, UM Amherst, “Women’s Stories, Du Bois Papers Data”
- SLIDES: https://sway.office.com/jnwIZkrNCACbONhA?ref=Link (there is an accessibility view in Sway, look under the options menu)
- Using palladio (network analysis tool) to map relationships of the women found in the Du Bois papers; the geographic locations of correspondence sent by Ellen Irene Diggs https://hdlab.stanford.edu/palladio/
- Using Voyant and the text analysis of four documents from the item-level abstracts from women’s correspondence found in the Du Bois papers
- Brian M. Watson
- SLIDES: https://twitter.com/brimwats/status/1293574673473482752?s=20
- "50 Years On, Many Years Past: Nonfictions of Sexuality" -- an open-source, freely-available digital resource, and collection focused on the history of sexuality. Alongside a bibliography, it includes a directory of archives and libraries relevant to LGBTQIA+ research across the world.
- PRIDE displays in libraries were missing books and texts on the history of sexuality! Felt lack of meaningful representation.
- https://histsex.org/
- Research collections -- tagged by time, areas, subjects; uses Homosaurus vocabulary instead of LC vocabularies; terms are still linked to LC but is making an argument that community vocabularies are more useful and should overwrite LC
- Heavily US and European focused; Would like to include more global collections
- Digital projects -- Transgender Oral History Project; We Who Feel Differently
- Bibliography -- Forthcoming
- Timeline -- 100 events, images and history; Would like to create more different types of timelines and histories
- For panelists (hoping they’ll be able to respond in-line/someone can note their answers below?)
- Blake Spitz
- Contact information: bspitz@library.umass.edu
- Using Excel to auto-populate geo coordinates?? Tell us more! (+1!)
- Google sheets; using codes found online -- listed in spreadsheet the name of the place, the codes would translate the name of the place to its geo locations
- Used the Google Sheets script editor, using these instructions, but there seem to be several ways to do this if you do some searching
- Have you looked at/are you aware of EAC-CPF? Did you consider using this as a conceptual model for your relationship mapping, and if so, what were your thoughts on it as a system?
- Apologies if I missed this in your intro, but I’m curious how this project fit in with your day-to-day job. Are you and your colleagues encouraged to undergo research projects? Was this part of a larger UMass initiative? Are your duties typically more digital humanities-aligned? Did you need to push/specifically request to work on the project? Especially interested since you said you plan to continue working on it.
- Not part of job duties, but encouraged to take on personal projects/professionally develop;
- Brian M. Watson
- Link to slides for accessibility purposes: https://twitter.com/brimwats/status/1293574673473482752?s=20
- Do you think online exhibits would fit under the “digital projects” on Histsex.org?
- Yes! Please send all of them (emails below)
- Is Homosaurus documented in WikiData? To what degree is Homosaurus linked to other linked data resources?
- Newly added to WikiData! In the processing to linking to LC subject terms.
- Please feel free to get in touch to share any alternative subject vocabularies/classifications for minoritized/marginalized communities.
- How to get in touch? (to share your own resources or to volunteer!)
- Brian, how does Histsex.org classify and describe historical figures whose identities are not clear? For instance, a person who could be a lesbian or a transman, or a person who could be gay or bisexual.
- Through linked data, able to link terms that might be associated. There is also a possibility of subverting tools to show change over time