November 18-19, 2024: Council Meeting



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Society of American Archivists  
Council Meeting 
November 18 and 19, 2024 
Hybrid Meeting - Chicago, IL 

All SAA members are welcome to attend SAA Council meetings.  


The president may call for an executive session should a confidential matter be considered. Visitors leave the room during executive sessions. 


Agendas and background materials for SAA Council meetings are publicly available below.  


Open the first PDF attachment - the Agenda, item I.A. - to see the organization of all background materials. The Roman numeral/letter label of each item as listed in the Agenda corresponds to a document attached below (e.g., II.A.). There are three situations in which a document may not accompany an agenda item: 1) no document will be considered in conjunction with the agenda item, 2) the document is not available for the posting, or 3) the agenda item is confidential and/or inappropriate for public distribution. 

1124-I-A-Agenda.pdf312.3 KB
1124-II-B-CouncilInterimAction.pdf696.02 KB
1124-II-C-ExecCommInterimActions.pdf172.55 KB
1124-III-F-NAAS.pdf165.95 KB
1124-IV-A-PodCast.pdf154.4 KB
1124-IV-C-CORDA.pdf625.83 KB
1124-IV-D-1-Stands.pdf187.48 KB
1124-IV-D-2-Stands.pdf190.26 KB
1124-IV-D-3-Stands.pdf203.7 KB
1124-IV-E-HUICOL.pdf258.22 KB
1124-VII-A-President.pdf89.84 KB
1124-VII-D-3-Educ.pdf125.17 KB
1124-VII-D-4-Pubs.pdf272 KB
1124-VII-F-PubsEditor.pdf169.82 KB
1124-VII-G-AmArchivist.pdf261.36 KB
1124-VII-H-MDOS.pdf237.65 KB
1124-VII-I-Sect519.02 KB
1124-VII-J-Memb.pdf189.8 KB
1124-VII-K-COPA.pdf185.89 KB
1124-VII-L-CEPC.pdf143.24 KB
1124-VII-M-CoE.pdf256.61 KB
1124-VII-N-Host.pdf98.1 KB
1124-VII-O-Standards.pdf139.32 KB
1124-VII-P-CORDA.pdf144.39 KB
1124-VII-Q-CDTR.pdf153.06 KB
1124-VII-R-DWG.pdf153.55 KB
1124-VII-S-IPWG.pdf188.35 KB
1124-VII-T-AmArchivist.pdf200.89 KB