Reference, Access and Outreach Section


Reference, Access, and Outreach Section logo

Welcome! This section is open to any member of SAA who has an interest in reference, access and outreach issues. RAO currently has two active subcommittees that focus on topics relevant to our members: Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) and Exhibits and Events (E2). We invite and encourage members to contact the RAO Steering Committee with any ideas to better support the membership.  

News & Announcements

RAO seeks proposals for the 2023 Spring/Summer IDEAS Webinar Series (April-July) and Annual Meeting Marketplace of IDEAs.
View the biographical statements for the 2022 RAO Steering Committee election nominees.
RAO is seeking an Associate Editor for the TPS Case Studies series. The application closes June 20. See full announcement for details.
Nominations for an RAO vice-chair/chair-elect and two members-at-large are open.
Candidates for the 2021 RAO election cycle.
Submissions are invited for the Case Studies on Teaching With Primary Sources series sponsored by the Reference, Access, and Outreach (RAO) Section of SAA. This open-ended series of case studies is designed to illustrate the application of the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy.
The RAO Section is organizing a community call on Tuesday, April 27 from 1:30-3:00 eastern time to discuss how the community has been performing reference work during the pandemic.
The RAO Section is organizing a Community Call to encourage discussion and support among SAA members. Please join us on Tuesday, November 10 from 12:30pm – 2pm EST. Feel free to drop in and stay as long as you’d like.
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