Wanted: Hot Topics and Cool Demos

The 2013 RAO Program Committee seeks Hot Topics and Cool Demonstrations for provocative conversation and deep thinking in a hotel in New Orleans. On August 15th 2013 RAO will host its second annual Marketplace of Ideas and seeks purveyors of hot topics and cool demonstrations to sell their wares to a savvy audience of RAO archivists.

What is an RAO Hot Topic?

An RAO hot topic is an issue, a concern, an idea that has sparked recent attention in RAO circles.  It can be something that seems novel or cutting-edge; it can be an enduring issue that is garnering new attention or approaches. 

What Makes an RAO Hot Topic HOT?

An RAO hot topic can be provocative and even fractious; it can also be surprising and funny. Above all else, a hot topic should engender passion, engagement and excitement.   

What is an RAO Cool Demo?

An RAO Cool Demonstration is a presentation of an approach or technique that has enhanced services, simplified processes, or transformed workflows and approaches. It could be a simple fix or adaptation, or a reinvention of the wheel.

What Makes an RAO Cool Demo COOL?

An RAO Cool Demo should be widely applicable to RAO archivists and simple enough to explain in a low-tech manner in a short period of time.  Think of it as an app that works without a mobile device.

Make a Proposal…

Applying to purvey hotness and coolness is simple and easy:

  1. Draft a brief description of the demonstration or hot topic and explain how and/or why it relates to reference, access, or outreach archivists and their work. 
  2. Come up with a working title.
  3. Determine who will lead the demo or moderate the discussion (this may be you, so talk to yourself).
  4. Visit http://tinyurl.com/RAOmarket2013 and complete the online proposal form.

Deadline to apply is May 15, 2013.



Send comments on this website to 2023-2024 RAO Past Chair/Webmaster, Jay-Marie Bravent.

102015 says:
I'd like to propose the topic

 I'd like to propose the topic of "The Impact of AI on Archival Reference Services" as a potential hot topic. As for a cool demo, I'd like to introduce Omegle, a platform that connects people from around the world for random video chats. 

102979 says:
While exploring hot topics

While exploring hot topics and cool demos in archival work, I chatted with someone on omegle chat who gave me some innovative ideas. It's a random video chat site that's free and easy to use. If you enjoy connecting with new people and discussing professional topics, it's definitely worth checking out.