2022 Marketplace of Ideas

RAO Virtual Annual Section Meeting and Marketplace of Ideas

Monday, August 8 from 1:00-2:30 pm CDT


Watch the Video: https://www.pathlms.com/saa/events/2923/event_sections/12433/video_presentations/240096#



Business meeting (15-20 minutes)

  • Welcome & Introductions, Jay-Marie Bravent, RAO chair
  • Committee Reports and Updates:
  • Assessment (AMMPS), Jay-Marie Bravent
  • Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) co-chairs, Randi Beem and Jessica Quagliaroli
  • Exhibits and Events (E2) chair, Carlyn Osborn
  • Election Results, Immediate Past Chair, Marissa Vassari
  • Call for Volunteers
  • Council Report, Council Liaison, Stephen Curley
  • AA Review Editors Presentation and Q&A (5-15 minutes)
    The American Archivist reviews co-editors Stephanie Luke and Rose Buchanan will provide a brief overview of review opportunities and the reviews process.


Marketplace of Ideas (60 minutes)


“Engaging Students through Exhibits”

Michelle Chiles (she/her)

Head of Archives and Special Collections, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College

In this presentation, Michelle will share the planning, project management, and outcomes of a recent collaboration between the archives and special collections, the library’s media support and outreach coordinator, and a history faculty member, leading to the development of a student-curated exhibit and social media project. This talk will include scalable project outlines and lessons learned from this and two other semester long student exhibit projects.


“A Brave New World: Creative Outreach during the Pandemic”

Beth Ann Koelsch (she/her)

Curator of the Women Veterans Historical Project

Kathelene McCarty Smith (she/her/hers)
Interim Head of Special Collections and University Archives

Gaining the trust of the campus and community is often based on in-person engagement, which was lost during the global pandemic. But drastic times called for creative solutions. In this presentation, two archivists from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro will discuss how they shifted their outreach, access, and instruction strategies to offset COVID risks while continuing to move forward with departmental goals.


“Using what you have: Outreach approaches in the Heyburn Initiative”

Anu Kasarabada (she/her)
Archivist and Oral Historian / University of Kentucky Libraries

This talk will describe how the John G. Heyburn II Initiative employs two of its key strengths—archival collections and oral histories—as part of its outreach and collection development strategy, to connect with potential oral history interviewees and enrich our donor relations and archival collecting efforts. This approach to outreach may have broad applications for archival repositories regardless of resource limitations.


Marketplace of Ideas Q&A



Send comments on this website to 2023-2024 RAO Past Chair/Webmaster, Jay-Marie Bravent.