Preservation Section

The Preservation Section of the Society of American Archivists promotes the preservation of archives and manuscript collections managed by collecting repositories, including government, academic and cultural heritage institutions, in the United States. Our mission is to raise awareness of and disseminate information about the preservation of physical and digital archival materials regardless of format, by focusing on issues related to the "ten agents of deterioration:" neglect, fire, environment (temperature, relative humidity, and light), pests, pollutants/contaminants, physical forces, security issues, and water. The Section offers access to its resources to the membership of the Preservation Section, the membership of the Society of American Archivists, and to anyone interested in preservation.


Members must sign in for access to full site content.

News & Announcements

The Society of American Archivists Preservation Section is holding a Twitter Conference on April 28th as part of Preservation Week 2021. This free and inclusive conference will cover a range of preservation related topics for archivists and librarians (or any interested party!). The submission deadline is April 9th.
If the past year has taught us anything, it's the necessity of adapting to change. We are calling on all archivists to share their preservation adaptation experiences by presenting at the Preservation Section Meeting. Please apply by February 19th
Join the SAA Preservation Section for a Back to the Archives virtual get together.
Join in on Wednesday, April 29th, 2019 for a Preservation Week Twitter Conference from 1-3:20 PM EDT. Just follow along the hashtag #PresTC2020 for a series of lightning talks. Presenters will be available for Q&A following their time blocks.
The 2019 election is for Vice-Chair/Chair Elect and Member-At-Large as well as an update to our Section standing rules. Election will run June 25-July 16. Section members will receive an email with a unique Survey Monkey link to vote.
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