January 2023 Steering Committee Meeting

SAA PAS Meeting Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 1:30pm ET


  • Katalin Rac - Co-Chair

  • Ashley Minnich - Co-Chair

  • Supriya Wronkiewicz - Newsletter Co-Editor

  • Rachel McNellis - Newsletter Co-Editor

  • Arianne Johnson Quinn - Newsletter Co-Editor

  • John Esh - Web Liaison

  • Juliette Appold - Steering Committee Member

  • Elizabeth Batiuk - Steering Committee Member

  • Rachel Winston - Council Liaison

February Action Items

  • Develop processes for maintaining Google Drive files and microsite files

  • Develop ideas for program for Annual Meeting

  • Evaluate how we use social media for the section

January Meeting Agenda

  1. Co-Chair Updates

    1. Thank you newsletter team for sending out our last newsletter edition!

    2. Thank you Elizabeth for creating and sending the survey to the committee!

  2. Shared Drive - Document Sharing/Files

  1. Ashley created a shared drive in Google for section documents. We may not need all the current folders, but it is a starting point.

  2. The procedure for meeting minutes is for Ashley to send John the minutes with minimal formatting to be posted to the microsite.

    1. Minutes will be available to SAA members, but not the general public.

  3. We will need to develop procedures for how to leverage the shared drive and what needs to be stored on the microsite. 

  1. Website Updates

    1. John volunteers to update the PAS microsite based on previous experience with updating and formatting the SNAP site.

      1. SNAP site: https://www2.archivists.org/groups/students-and-new-archives-professionals-snap-section

      2. PAS site: https://www2.archivists.org/groups/performing-arts-section

  2. Social Media

    1. The section has used Twitter and Instagram in the past.

    2. Are we going to continue using Twitter?

      1. The committee agrees to have a more in-depth conversation about social media usage at the February meeting.

  3. Newsletter/Blog Updates

    1. On PAS microsite, John will archive the link to the old blog posts.

  4. Section Events

  1. Member Survey: Elizabeth created a survey to send to the general membership to gather event ideas, which has been generally approved by the committee.

    1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGceO7InwcL4PWrvDZzDdieiGDWaxyDDHT74EL5ccWZBPL5Q/viewform

  2. Elizabeth will make some additional minor edits and then send to the section as a discussion post. John will post to the PAS microsite.

  1. Annual Meeting Programming: The section discusses options for what event we might offer as a program at the Annual Meeting.

    1. John and Katalin bring up hip-hop as a topic, which had been discussed previously. Hip-hop would be an engaging topic from several lenses, including music, lyrics, dance, communication, cultural influence.

    2. Annual Meeting Event can also be an archivist or a collective of archivists discussing their archives as a panel/round table.

  1. Next Meeting - February


  1. Second Thursday Every Month

    1. Thursday, February 9 at 1:30pm ET

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