URGENT - Vote Now for Proposed Standing Rules Referendum

The Metadata and Digital Object Section invites you to vote on a referendum that proposes updates to elected positions in the Standing Rules. This will allow the steering committee to be more nimble with balancing the workload of its members. 

Please use the below ballot link to cast your vote. You must be logged in to access the page. Within the Ballot page, the “View Ballot” link under the Metadata and Digital Object Section will direct you to the SurveyMonkey election ballot. There are also links to the proposed changes and a document explaining those changes. 

Vote now! The ballot will close this Friday, May 31.

Ballot: https://mysaa.archivists.org/myballots

Usually referenda are included with the elections. MDOS is expediting this vote so that we may interpret the MDOS election results based on the results of this referendum. Thank you to SAA staff for making this happen!

If you have any questions, please contact the the MDOS Steering Committee Co-chairs, Jessica Serrao (jserrao@clemson.edu) and Jaime Margalotti (jmargalo@udel.edu).