MDOR Member Survey Results

In this period of rapidly changing technology and standards MDOR is exploring ways to better serve its members. In order to achieve this goal, the MDOR Steering Committee conducted a web-based survey in February 2011 collecting information on where members wished to expand MDOR's activities and redefine its role. This early report includes both a summary written by Polina Ilieva and data collected by Jody DeRidder. 

In 2012, seeking to determine the impact of transforming MDOR into a section, we surveyed both MDOR members and SAA members.  The report on this survey is also below.

Following on this analysis, it became clear that MDOR's focus might have a broad overlap with the focus of the Electronic Records Section.  A third survey in early 2013 of both MDOR and ERS members helped to clarify what perhaps could be the best way to differentiate between the two groups, and how we might best move forward in collaboration and coordination of efforts.  The report on this is also attached.

MDOR member survey results, 2011-02326.37 KB
MDOR and SAA surveys 2012.pdf174.45 KB
MDOR and ERS Surveys 2013.pdf135.72 KB