CPWG Meeting Agenda: 08/11/2010

Society of American Archivists
Cultural Property Working Group

Washington, D.C.
August  11, 2010


  1. Introductions
  2. SAA Charge
  3. Definitions and Parameters of Cultural Property for the Working Group:
  4. Issues, Goals and Outcomes:
    1. What are the issues (both those in the charge and contingent issues) that the CPWG wants to consider
    2. What are the outcomes we will work towards.
  5. Aligning the Working Group with similar groups within SAA .
  6. Communication and dissemination:  How we will gather information from SAA membership, invite opinions, reach consensus, i.e. public forums, presentations.
  7. Projects: i.e. An annotated bibliography, sponsoring SAA presentations, etc.