

Special Issues (Journals)

Journal Articles

  • Anderson, Jane, 2006. "Indigenous Knowledge, Intellectual Property, Libraries and Archives: Crises of Access, Control and Future Utility." In Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries, edited by Martin Nakata and Marcia Langton, pp. 72-82. Sydney: UTSePress.
  • Barelli, M. 2014. "The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property Rights." In: M. Rimmer (ed.). A Research Handbook on Indigenous Intellectual Property. London: Edward Elgar. Available here:
  • Bastian, Jeannette A., 2002. "Taking custody, giving access: a postcustodial role for a new century," Archivaria, 53: 76-93. 
  • Berger, Sherri, 2009. "The Evolving Ethics of Preservation: Redefining Practices and Responsibilities in the 21st Century", The Serials Librarian, 57(1):57—68.
  • Bolcer, John, 2009. "The Protocols for Native American Archival Materials: Considerations and Concerns from the Perspective of a Non-Native Archivist," Easy Access 34(4):3-6.
  • Boles, Frank, David George-Shongo, and Christine Weideman,2008. Report: Task Force to Review Protocols for Native American Archival Materials. Society of American Archivists Council Meeting, February 7-10, 2008, Washington, D.C.
  • Brown, Michael F., 2004. "Heritage as Property." In Property in Question: Value Transformation in the Global Economy, edited by Katherine Verdery and Caroline Humphrey, pp. 49-68. Oxford: Berg.
  • Brown, Michael F., 2005. "Heritage Trouble: Recent Work on the protection of intangible cultural property." International Journal of Cultural Property 12: 40-61.
  • Christen, Kimberly A., 2009. "Access and Accountability: The Ecology of Information Sharing in the Digital Age." Anthropology News (April 2009): 4-5.
  • Christen, Kimberly A., 2008. "Archival Challenges and Digital Solutions in Aboriginal Australia." SAA Archaeological Record. March 2008, Vol 8, No 2: 21-24.
  • Daes, Erica-Irene, 1995. "Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of the Heritage of Indigenous People" (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1995/26, annex).
  • Daes, Erica-Irene, 1995. "The Final Report on the Protection of the Heritage of Indigenous People." United Nations document E/CN.4/Sub 2/1995/26.
  • Iacovino, Livia, 2010. "Rethinking archival, ethical and legal frameworks for records of Indigenous Australian communities: a participant relationship model of rights and responsibilities." Springer Science+Business Media, B.V. 2010. Rethinking_indigenous.pdf
  • Jaarsma, Sjoerd R., ed., 2002 Handle with Care: Ownership and Control of Ethnographic Materials.Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Johnson, Heidi, 2003. "Graded Access to Sensitive Materials at the Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America." Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2003. Pp.176-178.
  • Kansa, Eric, with Jason Schultz and Ahrash Bissell, 2005. "Protecting Traditional Knowledge and Expanding Access to Scientific Data." International Journal of Cultural Property 12(3).
  • Koch, Grace, 2004. "Challenges to a Small Ethnographic Archives." In Archives for the Future : Global Perspectives on Audiovisual Archives in the 21 Century, edited by Anthony Seeger and Shubha Chaudhuri, pp. 170-182. Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology, American Institute of Indian Studies. Calcutta: Seagull Books.
  • Laszlo, Krisztina, 2006. "Ethnographic Archival Records and Cultural Property." Archivaria 61.
  • Marcus, George E., 1998. "Censorship in the Heart of Difference: Cultural Property, Indigenous Peoples' Movements, and Challenges to Western Liberal Thoughts." In Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural Regulation, edited by Robert C. Post, pp. 221-242. LA: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities.
  • Nakata, Martin, Alex Byrne, Vicky Nakata, and Gabrielle Gardiner, 2005. "Indigenous Knowledge, the Library and Information Service Sector, and Protocols." Australian Academic & Research Libraries 36(2): 9-24.
  • Pepper-Henry, Jim, 2004. "Challenges in Managing Culturally Sensitive Collections at the National Museum of the American Indian." In Stewards of the Sacred, edited by Lawrence E. Sullivan and Alison Edwards, pp. 105-122. Washington: American Association of Museums.
  • Russell, Lynette, 2006. "Indigenous Knowledge and Archives: Accessing Hidden History and Understandings." In Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries, edited by Martin Nakata and Marcia Langton, pp. 141-150. Sydney: UTSePress.
  • Shilton, K., and Srinivasan, Ramesh, 2007. "Preserving Empowered Representations: Using Archival Principles to Maintain Context for Cultural Heritage Materials." Archivaria 63.
  • Skrydstrup, Martin, 2006. "Towards Intellectual Property Guidelines and Best Practices for Recording and Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage. A Survey of Codes, Conduct and Challenges in North America." Prepared for the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).


  • Brown, Michael F., 2003. Who Owns Native Culture? Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Caldera, Mary and  Kathryn M Neal, (eds.), 2014. Through the Archival Looking Glass: A Reader on Diversity and Inclusion. Chicago: Society of American Archivists.
  • Daniel, Dominique and Amalia Levi, (eds.), 2013. Identity Palampsests: Archiving Ethnicity in the U.S. and Canada. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
  • Martin Nakata and Marcia Langton (eds.), 2006. Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries. Sydney: UTSePress.
  • Messinger, Phyllis, 1999. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property : Whose Culture? Whose Property?, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press.
  • Turnbridge, J.E. and Ashworth, G J, 1996. Dissonant Heritage: The Management of the Past As a Resource in Conflict Chichester ; New York : J. Wiley.

Conferences' Proceedings