Display at the reception area of the Nationaal Archief, Den Hague, the Netherlands, 2018 (Photo courtesy of Susan Tucker).
The section stimulates interest among archivists in the profession's own past and suggests ways of studying its history. Please find the section standing rules here at the following url: https://www2.archivists.org/groups/archival-history-section/standing-rules
News & Announcements
Outgoing AHS Chair Eric Stoykovich has a fascinating article, "Public Records in War: Toward an Archival History of the American Civil War," in the Spring/Summer 2017 issue of The American Archivist.
The Archival History Section is pleased to announce the slate of candidates running for election for Vice Chair and Steering Committee. The 2017 online election will take place in early July.
AHS members will elect one individual to a one-year term as Vice chair; the Vice chair will subsequently serve as AHS Chair for 2018-2019. Three Steering Committee members will be elected to a one-year term. Current Vice Chair Kelly A. Kolar (Middle Tennessee State University) will become AHS Chair at the close of the AHS annual meeting in July.
The AHS section election (July 2017) will include a referendum.
The Archival History Section seeks an editor--or two!--to help relaunch a newsletter for AHS members and other interested parties. See full post for details.