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Glossary Citation Vannevar Bush is generally credited with coming up with the idea of hypertext (but not its name); his Memex system – envisioned in a paper published in 1945 but never implemented – stored text fragments on microfiche. Yet the notion of non-linear Webs of cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation It was Ted Nelson who first coined the term 'hypertext.' Nelson and Douglas Englebart are considered to be the fathers of computer-based hypertext, the ability to link fragments of text together via computer, allowing the reader to follow a link from one cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation All the current talk about hypertext as a medium that will liberate the reader from the tyranny of the author is pure hype. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The historical society movement in America originated in 1791 when Jeremy Belknap and seven others met to organize the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston [citing Louis Leonard Tucker.] . . . The historical society had become, by [the 1890s], al cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation A holdings maintenance program is responsive to the institutional reality that existing records may be housed inadequately or inappropriately; that they are found in an assortment of containers, wrappers, envelopes, and folders; that they are bundled, tie cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Herman Hollerith (b. Buffalo, NY, 1860; d. Washington, D.C., 1929) was the inventor of punched-card data processing and found of a firm that evolved to become IBM. For the quarter-century from 1890 to World War I, he had a virtual monopoly on punched-car cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The term Hollinger box is just a generic name archivists have given to this particular style of box. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The name is derived from that of an ad hoc group of CD-ROM researchers and developers which named itself the High Sierra Group following a meeting at the High Sierra Hotel at Lake Tahoe, California. . . . A modified version of the High Sierra format was a cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The brightest areas of a subject or an image are called the highlights. An area may be light because of the color of the subject matter, such as pale skin or light-colored clothing, or it may be inherently bright, as with lamps or fire. . . . When films a cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The ordinary adjective of history is historical; historic means memorable, or assured of a place in history, now in common use as an epithet for buildings worthy of preservation for their beauty of interest; historical should not be substituted for it in cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation This historical manuscripts tradition, in relation to both collecting and intellectual control, was dominant from the eighteenth century until about 1960. In the twentieth century before 1960 practices were added from the public archives field from time cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The fateful separation of the historical manuscripts tradition field from the public archives field began in 1910 at the AHA's Conference of Archivists, when the application of library principles was attacked as inapplicable to public archives. The diffe cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [Graphic3] A two-dimensional representation whether opaque (e.g., art original and reproductions, flash cards, photographs, technical drawings) or intended to be viewed, or projected without motion, by means of an optical device (e.g., film strips, stereo cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [This standard] provides guidelines for constructing monolingual thesauri: formulating the descriptors, establishing relationships among terms, and effectively presenting the information in print and on a screen. Italso includes thesaurus maintenance proc cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [From the act:] To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote t cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The chief reasons for the rule are that out-of-court statements amounting to hearsay are not made under oath and are not subject to cross-examination. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Linus [Torvalds] also adopted the standard GNU licensing scheme called Copyleft. The general public license, or GPL, allows users to sell, copy, and change Copylefted programs – which can also be copyrighted – but you must pass along the same freedom to s cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Today the words [authentic and genuine] are interchangeable in most sentences, but a couple of distinctions do exist. First, 'authentic' is off-target when the sense is 'substantial'. . . . Second, 'authentic' is an awkward choice when the sense is 'since cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Glassine paper is a supercalendered, smooth, dense, transparent or semi-transparent paper manufacturer primarily from wood pulps, which have been beaten to secure a high degree of hydration of the stock. It is grease resistant, and has a high resistance cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation GILS specifies how information sources are described through locator records on network servers. Yet, no one expects networks to be the only way to reach all audiences. We all depend on information providers and intermediaries to add essential value. They cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Although confusing to many people, the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) and the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) are not synonymous. The focus of the PRA is to limit the information the Federal government collects from the public in any form. The cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Functional analysis . . . argues that records be appraised only after the functions of an institution are defined and understood. Record appraisal then becomes a matter of identifying or creating records which best document the institution's functions. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Perhaps the best-known application of graphic analysis to scheduling is the Gantt chart. Henry Laurence Gantt was an early follower of Frederick Taylor . . . and a major proponent of scientific management. . . . Developed in 1917 to aid in the war effor cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The application of [general diplomatics] to infinite individual cases constitutes the function of diplomatic criticism, that is of special diplomatics. Theory (general diplomatics) and criticism (special diplomatics) influence each other. The latter, anal cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm