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The National Forum on Archival Continuing Education (NFACE), held April 27–29, 2000, in Decatur, Georgia, was a response to a profession-wide call for attention to continuing education. The Forum's 120 participants included representatives from more than 45 organizations that currently provide continuing education to those caring for historical records or whose constituents are potential consumers of such services. Forty-three State Coordinators were among the participants.
¶ The goals of the Forum were to:
inform the organizations about what educational services and information resources were already available; encourage collaboration and coordination among providers in developing offerings that addressed gaps in existing educational opportunities;
improve accessibility to information resources about best practices in the care of historical records that support these educational efforts; and
develop an action agenda for archival continuing education in the next decade.
This agenda will be shared with federal funding agencies, resource allocators, and key stakeholders in archival continuing education.