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Policies That Apply to SAA’s Constituent Bodies: Sections, Roundtables, Committees, Boards, Task Forces, Representatives
A. Regular Meetings
Shared or dedicated space (see Section and Roundtable guidelines for details of how space is allocated) for the regular annual meetings of these groups is provided by SAA in or near the conference facility. This space and time is assigned by the SAA staff according to the general schedule of the conference and information received in response to a call for meeting space requests.
The meetings are listed in the Annual Meeting program.
Room set-ups are arranged by the SAA staff.
Hotel contracts invariably require that all food and beverages consumed in meeting room space must be provided by the hotel. To do otherwise places the Society in violation of its contract. SAA does not pay for food or beverage breaks for these group meetings.
Should an SAA body want food service or a coffee break in its meeting, the group should request funding in advance according to the procedure and deadline specified in Sections IX and X of the Governance Manual.
B. Office Hours in the Exhibit Hall
SAA offers booth space in the Exhibit Hall for “Office Hours” for constituent groups that wish to meet with meeting attendees.
The Society arranges for the set up and pays for any decorator fees and booth fees assessed by the conference facility.
Space and time slots are filled as available on a first-come, first-served basis, as requests are received in the SAA office.
C. Any Other Function or Activity
The Society is legally and financially responsible for the activities of its constituent bodies. Any SAA group that wishes to hold a function other than its regular meeting and Office Hours is governed by the following:
Policies That Apply to Regional, State, and Metropolitan Archival Associations
A. Office Hours
The Society offers a limited amount of booth space in the Exhibit Hall for “Office Hours” to regional, state, and metropolitan archival associations that wish to meet with meeting attendees.
The Society arranges for the set up and pays any decorator fees and booth fees assessed by the conference facility.
Space and time slots are filled as available on a first-come, first-served basis, as requests are received in the SAA office.
B. Other Events
A number of associations traditionally hold social events in conjunction with SAA’s Annual Meeting. SAA is not able to offer space to hold such events.
Upon request, the Society will note such events as “Other Events” in the final print and online program that is distributed to meeting registrants.
Policies That Apply to Associations of Archivists Other Than Regional, State, or Metropolitan Associations
A. Complimentary Space
Some SAA Annual Meeting attendees are members of other associations of archivists that wish to use this occasion to hold their own gatherings. Because of the demands on limited space, SAA is unable to offer complimentary space for meetings or social functions to anyone other than its own constituent bodies and grant-funding agencies or organizations.
B. Events as Part of the SAA Annual Meeting
Groups that wish to hold a reception or meeting at the conference facility as part of the SAA Annual Meeting may be accommodated as follows:
C. Other Events
Other groups are free to make their own arrangements for activities or functions at their own expense. Upon request, the Society will note such activities as “Other Events” in the final print and online program that is distributed to meeting registrants.
Policies That Apply to Agencies or Organizations That Offer Grant Funding to Archivists or Archival Repositories
A. Office Hours
The Society may offer a limited amount of complimentary booth space in the Exhibit Hall for “Office Hours” to grant-funding agencies.
Space and time slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis as requests are received in the SAA office.
Such agencies or organizations may choose to secure a separate booth for the entire exhibit time by paying the non-profit rate for exhibitors.
B. Space for Other Functions
Such agencies or organizations may request complimentary space in meeting rooms. Such requests will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis after all of SAA’s own requirements for meeting space have been fulfilled, provided that the requests are made no less that three months before the conference.
Hotel and convention center contracts invariably require that all food and beverages consumed in meeting room space must be provided by the hotel or conference center. To do otherwise places the Society in violation of its contract. Should a grant-funding agency wish to provide food or beverage service, the SAA office will provide menus and ordering information. The organization will be billed directly by the hotel or convention center.
Annual Meeting Firms or Organizations That Provide Goods and Services for Fees or Sale
Such groups are welcome to meet with conference attendees by becoming exhibitors and paying the appropriate rates.
Any other functions that such groups wish to hold will be arranged entirely by them at their own expense. SAA does not publish listings for such events, although it will accept paid advertisements for inclusion in the Program.
Adopted by the SAA Council: January 1992
Revised: March 2007; May 2016