Encoded Archival Description (EAD3)

Certificate Eligibility: 
10 ARC, 1.5 CEU
3 days
Max Attendees: 

Here’s your chance to receive the instruction and hands-on practice you need to bridge the digital divide. Get acquainted with the language of XML and practice with XML authoring software. This three half-day course covers the most recent version of EAD.

Learning Outcomes: 
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Understand the basics of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Understand the structure of EAD (the SAA-endorsed encoding standard for archival finding aids)
Analyze a finding aid for content and structure
Encode a finding aid using EAD
Who Should Attend: 

Archivists and others charged with exploring or implementing EAD at their institution or who want to enhance their résumé.

What You Should Already Know: 

Participants should have arrangement and description practice and familiarity with finding aids.

A&D Core Competency: 
3. Descriptive Standards: Apply rules and practices that codify the content of information used to represent archival materials in discovery tools according to published structural guidelines.
4. Management: Demonstrate ability to manage physical and intellectual control over archival materials.
5. Discovery: Create tools to facilitate access and disseminate descriptive records of archival materials.
If you intend to pursue the A&D Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.
"Hands-on exercise marking up examples was very valuable. Handouts were great! Gave us an opportunity to learn by doing." — David Kay
"Having the opportunity to have questions answered and to know that we were learning the 'latest' information about EAD. Thanks for answering all of our very specific questions." — Paula Aloisio
"The mark-up exercises were great. I also really appreciated the opportunity to ask questions." - Johanna Carll
"The workshop was well-organized and very clear. I liked that the instructors encouraged us to ask questions during the presentation."
"The hands-on encoding practice in Oxygen provided an excellent practical introduction to EAD."
"The instructors' ability to explain the material clearly to the uninitiated was enormously helpful, as well as the large amount of hands-on practice." - Lenge Hong
Host a Course:

Interested in hosting a course? Visit our Host a Course page for information on what is required and how to apply!

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