Crosswalking Metadata

Certificate Eligibility: 
Certificate Eligibility: 
5 ARC, 0.75 CEU
1/2 day
Tools and Services

This workshop explores the principles and techniques of repurposing metadata.  We will explore a number of use cases from migrating legacy metadata to reusing metadata in new projects and consortial systems.  You'll learn the nuts and bolts of crosswalking through interactive discussion and hands-on activities.  We will also discuss challenges and opportunities for metadata reuse as well as consider implications for the shared metadata landscape of consortiums.

A computer that can connect to the online course with a microphone, webcam, and access to a web browser. Students will work collaboratively in Google Drive and will need a Google account to access and use course materials during hands-on activities.

(prior to 2023, course was a part of the DAS and A&D foundational tier)

Learning Outcomes: 
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Describe the challenges and implications of mapping metadata from one standard to another
Evaluate legacy metadata and translate it into current standards and practices
Identify appropriate tools and techniques to make the process easier
Plan and execute a metadata migration and document your work
Who Should Attend: 


Archivist practitioners, librarians, and others who are responsible for normalizing, updating, and migrating legacy metadata or interested in repurposing metadata for other systems and projects

What You Should Already Know: 

Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of metadata practices and schemas such as Dublin Core, EAD, MARC, or another form.

DAS Core Competency: 
2. Communicate and define terminology, requirements, roles, and responsibilities related to digital archives to a variety of stakeholders.
3. Formulate strategies and tactics for appraising, acquiring, describing, managing, organizing, preserving, and delivering digital archives.
5. Strategically plan for the sustainability of digital archives.
If you intend to pursue the DAS Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.
A&D Core Competency: 
2. Description: Analyze and describe details about the attributes of a record or collection of records to facilitate identification, management, and understanding of the work.
3. Descriptive Standards: Apply rules and practices that codify the content of information used to represent archival materials in discovery tools according to published structural guidelines.
4. Management: Demonstrate ability to manage physical and intellectual control over archival materials.
5. Discovery: Create tools to facilitate access and disseminate descriptive records of archival materials.
If you intend to pursue the A&D Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.
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