Association Archives: Managing Your Institutional Memory

Certificate Eligibility: 
5 ARC, 0.75 CEU
1 day
Max Attendees: 

Sometimes an association’s records are relegated to boxes in a back room—or simply tossed periodically without review. In other instances, staff and members continually reinvent the wheel because crucial “institutional memory” is lost. Avoid costly mistakes, and even see a return on investment, by learning how to identify, preserve, and maintain appropriate records. This workshop offers the practical information and tools necessary to identify records of enduring value and start an archives program that will benefit your association.

Learning Outcomes: 
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Establish the essential elements of an archives/records management program
Set appropriate goals for your association's archives program
Systematically review your association records
Decide on the value of including various types of records in an archives
Begin preserving and protecting important records by storing them appropriately
Keep track of archival records for easy access
Evaluate whether your records are best kept in-house or at another institution
Who Should Attend: 

Association CEOs, communication staffers, records managers, or librarians who want to ensure effective management of an association’s important records

Most helpful aspect: "Steps to getting started." — Jeff Flom
Most helpful aspect: "Learning about the fragility of various media." — Michael Walters
Host a Course:

Interested in hosting a course? Visit our Host a Course page for information on what is required and how to apply!

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