Archives: Principles and Practices

Certificate Eligibility: 
10 ARC, 1.5 CEU
2 days
Max Attendees: 

Although archivists have much in common with librarians, records managers, and museum staff, they must use different practices to protect the integrity of historical records. A strong archives program puts into practice long-standing archival principles. What are those principles and how are they implemented? This workshop provides an overview of the core archival functions of appraisal, accessioning, arrangement and description, preservation, reference, and access.

Learning Outcomes: 
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Describe archives and historical records terminology, a sense of the body of knowledge needed, the ethical responsibilities, and resources for continuing professional development
Describe the principles of archival organization and functions: provenance, respect de fonds, and original order
Explain core policy statements, professional standards, and best practices
Describe how to evaluate an individual program and determine needed improvements
Make choices for balancing access to and preservation of historical records and holdings
Explain the role of the archives in fulfilling the mission of the institution
Who Should Attend: 

Librarians, records managers, museum staff, and administrators who have responsibility for archival records but little or no archives training

What You Should Already Know: 

No previous experience is necessary.

"The entire workshop was very helpful and educational. The exercises were a great opportunity to explore archival collections and discuss various opinions and the experiences that shaped them."
"Engaging with the course instructor; their willingness to answer questions and provide real-world examples was greatly appreciated"
"Practical examples were helpful. Also step-by-step instructions about processing and documentation were helpful and practical; good level of detail." — Abigail Sugahara
"Clearly demonstrated concepts of provenance and original order to the point where I am beginning to think like an archivist rather than a librarian." — Robert Clymer
"The booklet handout was ideal: slides, examples, templates. They did a great job condensing a library school archives specialization curriculum into two days without losing meaning or overwhelming us."
"Visuals and explanations. Also examples helped pull together points I wasn't clear on." — Frances Scott
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