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As we celebrate and reflect on 2018, we'd like to express our gratitude for the SAA community's support in advancing the association and the archives profession.
Thank you for responding to calls for advocacy action; attending and presenting at the Annual Meeting or a continuing education course; writing for or reading one of SAA's many publications; or donating to support the SAA Foundation's efforts. Your involvement with SAA is an invaluable contribution to the profession in support of all archives and archivists. Thank you!
Here are just a few highlights of SAA’s many strategic initiatives in 2018:
Spoke out on key archives/records issues with statements and briefs developed by the Committee on Public Policy and the Intellectual Property Working Group. Prepared training and background materials for 67 archivists who advocated with Congress during our first-ever Archives on the Hill event. Engaged members in public awareness efforts with the Committee on Public Awareness's #AskanArchivist Day, ArchivesAWARE! blog, and media training and storytelling events. |
Provided outstanding education and networking opportunities for the 2,600 archivists and records managers who attended ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2018, our largest-ever Annual Meeting! Supported the professional development needs of more than 1,800 archivists via face-to-face and online education—and congratulated 66 individuals for earning their DAS or A&D certificate. Benefited from the work of more than 800 members, who shared their talents and developed their leadership skills as SAA volunteers. |
Advanced our efforts to understand more about the archives profession by creating the new Committee on Research, Data, and Assessment. Endorsed the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials—with plans to offer education and training in 2019. Initiated work on the Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities and the Tragedy Response Initiative Task Force. |
Published practical (and award-winning!) content in Archival Outlook, American Archivist, and the acclaimed book, Moving Image and Sound Collections for Archivists. Launched SAA Connect, our new and vastly improved engagement platform for community discussion lists. Enhanced accessibility to the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) certificate program by offering week-long "boot camps" as well as an online Comprehensive Exam. |
Awarded a record $31,000 to fund 8 Strategic Growth Grants. Contributed more than $37,000 from the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives to support institutions in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Provided 10 members with Travel Awards to attend the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting. |
SAA could not have had such a successful year without your involvement. We hope that you have a happy holiday, and we look forward to working together to make 2019 another wonderful year!
SAA Council and Staff