SAA Council Approves FY18 Budget, Issue Briefs, and More

Sticking to a newly streamlined day-and-a-half-long meeting in Chicago on May 16-17, the SAA Council took the following actions:

Approved a budget for Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) of $2,627,416 in revenues, $2,623,767 in expenses, and a net gain of $3,649;

Approved issue briefs on Declassification of Federal Records and Federal Grant Funding for Archives, as drafted by the SAA Committee on Public Policy;

Approved revised Guidelines for Reappraisal and Deaccessioning as proposed by the Technical Subcommittee on Guidelines for Reappraisal and Decaccessioning (TS-GRD) and the Standards Committee, and extended the charge of the Technical Subcommittee on Guidelines for Reappraisal and Deaccessioning (TS-GRD) for another 5-year review cycle, to be completed by August 2022 (call for volunteers forthcoming);

Approved a petition to form a new SAA student chapter at the University of Missouri;

Approved minor revisions to the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) Subcommittee description, extending terms to four years and creating the positions of vice chair and immediate past chair as a means of ensuring continuity;

Agreed to create a task force to explore the feasibility of forming a standing body within SAA to conduct, facilitate, and/or evaluate research/data that is practical, useful, and meaningful for SAA and the archives community;

Approved an Archivists and Archives of Color Section recommendation to create the Brenda S. Banks Travel Award to support attendance by an archivist of color at her/his first SAA Annual Meeting;

Elected Kris Kiesling to serve on the 2017-2018 Executive Committee and Amy Cooper Cary and Bergis Jules to serve on the 2017-2018 Nominating Committee;

Disbanded the ALA/SAA/AAM Joint Committee on Archives, Libraries, and Museums with thanks, effective August 2018; and

Agreed to invite regional organizations to sign on to future SAA statements.

The complete meeting minutes will be posted to the website once they are approved by the Council.

The SAA Council will meet again on Monday, July 24, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The deadline for proposing agenda items for all Council meetings is four weeks prior to the start of the meeting. Forward your agenda items to SAA President Nancy McGovern (president[at] or Executive Director Nancy Beaumont (nbeaumont[at]

2 Comment(s) to the "SAA Council Approves FY18 Budget, Issue Briefs, and More"
Riki says:
It’s great to see the

It’s great to see the council’s efficient decision-making, especially with regards to their budget and the updated guidelines. Similar to making careful, strategic decisions in organizational matters, I found having expert assistance crucial when preparing my PhD research proposal. For anyone in need of a structured, high-quality proposal, I recommend visiting help writing dissertation porposal. They provided me with a well-thought-out, methodologically sound proposal, and helped me meet all the academic criteria with ease.

Pasha says:
Approving the budget for the

Approving the budget for the financial year is a key step that determines how resources will be allocated and what goals can be achieved. I believe it is important to approach this process with maximum transparency and involvement of all stakeholders. Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the discussion of uw credit union , and I saw how carefully everyone analyzed the data and took into account opinions. The budget must reflect real needs and priorities to ensure that funds are used effectively. I hope that this year we will be able to take into account the lessons of the past and create a balanced budget that will help us realize our ambitious plans.