Major revision of EAD -- Open drop-in sessions

Alongside the public call for comments on the new version of the Encoded Archival Description standard, EAD 4.0, the Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) invites you to three informal drop-in sessions to discuss the main features of the new version. Following a brief presentation on a selected topic, each of these drop-in sessions will open the floor for your questions, comments, and suggestions.

Similar to previous TS-EAS webinars, we have scheduled the three sessions across different time zones to accommodate our international user community and to enable a broader coverage and a wider variety of perspectives being brought into the conversation. Each of the sessions will be recorded and published on SAA’s YouTube channel. Thereby, anyone who might not have been able to attend can still be part of the conversation asynchronously and provide additional feedback via GitHub, our web form, or the TS-EAS email,

Join us and your colleagues at one—or all—of the following events:

  • Session 1: Wednesday, 22 May, 8am UTC (previous day, 21 May, 10pm Honolulu / 22 May, 8am Accra / 8am Reykjavik / 9am London / 10am Berlin / 10am Cape Town / 11am Athens / 11am Nairobi / 12pm Abu Dhabi / 1.30pm New Delhi / 4pm Beijing / 5pm Tokyo / 6pm Canberra / 8pm Wellington) This session will look at how EAD 4.0 becomes more interoperable (e.g., by aligning with EAC-CPF 2.0 and enabling data reuse more generally). Registration open now via
  • Session 2: Tuesday, 18 June, 6am UTC (previous day, 17 June, 8pm Honolulu / 11pm Sacramento; 18 June, 6am Accra / 6am Reykjavik / 7am London / 8am Berlin / 8am Cape Town / 9am Athens / 9am Nairobi / 10am Abu Dhabi / 11.30am New Delhi / 2pm Beijing / 3pm Tokyo / 4pm Canberra / 6pm Wellington) This session will explore the details of EAD 4.0 being extensible (e.g., by streamlining specific elements into reusable ones, enabling reuse of external formatting schemas, and allowing for a step-by-step expansion from textual data to linked data). Registration open now via
  • Session 3: Tuesday, 9 July, 4pm UTC (part of the pre-conference activities to the SAA Annual Meeting 2024)(6am Honolulu / 9am Sacramento / 10am Mexico City / 10am Salt Lake City / 11am Chicago / 11am Lima / 12pm Santiago / 12pm Washington, D.C. / 1pm Brasilia / 4pm Accra / 4pm Reykjavik / 5pm London / 6pm Berlin / 6pm Cape Town / 7pm Athens / 7pm Nairobi / 8pm Abu Dhabi / 9.30pm New Delhi) This session will dive deeper into EAD 4.0’s sustainability and exchangeability supported by improving linking in general, approaching relations more comprehensively, and thereby implementing the latest archival concepts. Registration open now via

We invite everyone who works with archival description in any format and context to join us and to be part of these conversations to shape the new version of EAD. We look forward to seeing you soon and to the conversations that will unfold!

Kerstin Arnold, TS-EAS EAD subteam lead
Karin Bredenberg, TS-EAS co-chair
Mary Samouelian, TS-EAS co-chair

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