Call for Comments: Revision of Encoded Archival Description

The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is pleased to release Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 4.0, a draft updated version of the standard for public review and comment. To ensure the greatest possible input from EAD users around the world, the subcommittee is calling for comments on the proposed changes to the current version, EAD3 (deprecated), schema and tag library, and the previous version, EAD 2002, DTD, schema, and tag library. The deadline for comments on the change proposals is Sunday, 28 July 2024.

Currently available drafts of the schema and examples can be accessed at:

Additional documentation on these proposed changes is below.

An introductory webinar on how to contribute to this call for comments was run on 24 April 2024. You can find the slide deck used during this session in the list of documents below. The recording of this session will be published on SAA's YouTube channel.

Infograph_v2.jpg740.92 KB
EAD4.0_DraftTagLibrary.pdf1.67 MB
Editorial_ChangesInEAD4.0.pdf169.18 KB
RevisionNotesEAD3toEAD4.0.pdf244.77 KB
FromEAD3toEAD4.0_TransformationRoutes.pdf373.84 KB
FromEAD3toEAD4.0_ChangesInTheSchema_Elements.pdf239.36 KB
EAD4CallForComments_OpenSession1_20240424.pdf2.04 MB
EAD4CallForComments_OpenSession2_20240522.pdf423.87 KB
EAD4CallForComments_OpenSession3_20240618.pdf419.24 KB
EAD4CallForComments_OpenSession4_20240709.pdf820.06 KB