SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 01/10/2018

SNAP Steering Committee 2017-2018

Meeting 4: January 10, 2018

Time: 5PM PT / 7PM CT/ 8PM ET

Attending: Katie Rojas, Adriana Flores, Heidi Charles, Elena Colon-Marrero, Rachel Fellman, Emily Kintigh

1- Welcome new ex-officios!

  1. Junior Social Media Coordinator - Robina Torres
  2. Student Chapter Coordinator - Heidi Charles
  3. Blog Coordinator - Cassie Swayze
  4. New Professionals Blog Editor - Rachel Fellman

2- Blog Updates

  1. Stats from outgoing blog coordinator, Lauren Gaylord: In 2017 the SNAP Blog had over 20,000 views and over 10,500 visitors. As of 12/19 there were 166 blog posts
  2. Need to update roster on blog to reflect new ex-officios
  3. Storify is shutting down as of May 16, 2018
    1. Example of Storify twitter chat recap:
    2. By next meeting we’ll need to decide how to deal with that. Need a plan to export materials and capture info moving forward.
  4. Adriana has a volunteer for the Year in the Life blog series. She’ll be in contact with Cassie and Rachel regarding it.

3- Update on Manuscripts Section discussion collaboration

  1. For the next SAA meeting, our section meeting will be in collaboration with the Manuscripts section.
  2. For our meeting, Katie has been brainstorming with their leadership on what it will look like. They’ve decided it would be good to have one speaker and a 2nd activity of some kind.
    1. Potential speakers
      1. The topic of the presentation would be: temporary/contract/grant positions vs. permanent positions in archival work and their greater impact on the profession
      2. We should brainstorm ideas for potential speakers. Someone who is really invested in the profession who can speak to the topic points. The name Ruth Tillman came up in Katie’s conversations with the Manuscripts Section.
    2. 2nd activity--something interactive
      1. Breakout groups for discussion?
      2. Panel?
      3. Marketplace?
    3. Products/outcomes - letter? White paper? Research agenda?
      1. We want to have a take-away that has forward momentum/change.
  3. Send suggestions in an email to Katie! She’ll bring them to the Manuscripts section.

4- Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award nomination due February 28th

  1. Katie received an email from Alison Stankrauff who is the University Archivist at Wayne State University. She’s on the sub-committee for that SAA award.
  2. We need to submit a nomination for the award (see link above for award details).
    1. Katie will send out the email she received, which has more information.
    2. If we have ideas for that, send them to Katie.

5- Bylaws/Standing Rules & Wiki Updates

  1. Made a copy of the current bylaws - comment if you have any thoughts
  3. No other updates; there will be more soon!

6- Updates on Student Fund

  1. Elena & Gayle have been working on this recently.
  2. Erin Lawrimore, our SAA Council liaison, contacted Felicia Owens and right now we’d have to create a proposal. Free-reign how we’d want to set up the fund. The proposal has to be approved by council at one of their meetings. They suggested we try to submit a proposal by February, but that does not seem feasible right now.
  3. Elena will set up a meeting with Felicia and Gayle so that we’re well-prepared and can create and submit the best proposal possible.






































Referenced Group Meeting: