2018 Section Election - Call for Nominees

Interested in protecting archives and cultural heritage objects from the threats of crimes? The Security Section is seeking nominations for a new member to join the leadership. We are seeking candidates for the position of Chair-Elect. This is a three-year term (August 2018 to August 2021) - year one as Chair-Elect, year two as Chair, and year three as Immediate Past Chair. We encourage candidates from any size or type of archive or cultural heritage institution, and even beyond the archives world, to apply for this position.

In addition to duties related to the annual meeting and the operations of the section, the new Chair-Elect will contribute to Archives Security, the blog of the Security Section. Established in 2016-17, this venue is a way to explore issues related to crimes against objects of enduring cultural value.

Candidates must be current members of SAA. Nominations can be sent to any current member of the leadership team and are due by May 28th.

Please include the following information: 

1. a short biographical statement

2. a paragraph on why you are interested in being a leader for the Section

3. a headshot 

If you have any questions about the Security Section, please feel free to email any one of the members of the leadership team.


Miranda Mims, Chair (mirandatmims@gmail.com)

Jim Havron, Chair-Elect (jimhavron@comcast.net)
Bryan Whitledge, Immediate Past Chair (whitl1br@cmich.edu)

Society of American Archivists does not assume responsibility for the opinions and views published on this site.