SAA Council

The SAA Council is the organization’s governing body.  It is responsible for ensuring SAA’s financial stability and growth, developing and implementing the Society’s strategic priorities, providing overall leadership and direction for SAA and its component groups, building and coordinating relationships with individuals and groups outside of SAA, and providing oversight of the Society’s executive office.

The Council comprises three officers and nine Council members.  Council members are elected by the general membership for a three-year term.  The officers, also elected by the general membership, are the President (who accedes to a one-year term after serving a one-year term as Vice President/President-Elect), the Vice President/President-Elect, and the Treasurer (who serves a three-year term).  The Council’s Executive Committee is made up of the three officers, one third-year Council member who is elected by the nine Council members to represent them on the Committee, and the Executive Director (ex officio). 

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SAA Headquarters - Chicago, IL
SAA Headquarters - Chicago, IL
Beyond Borders, San Diego Hilton Bayfront
Beyond Borders, San Diego Hilton Bayfront
SAA Headquarters - Chicago, IL
SAA Headquarters - Chicago, IL
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