Recommendations for Choosing & Expectations of RAAC Representatives


Recommendations for Choosing RAAC Representatives

Archivists serving on RAAC are appointed by the regional association they represent, with one representative per association. RAAC recommends that the regional association choose representatives that are reliable and knowledgeable about their regional association. Such archivists often serve the regional association in different capacities, such as:

  • Past President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Members-at-Large

RAAC recognizes the amount of work that it takes to run a regional association and thus discourages the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of regional associations from being selected as the RAAC representative.

Additionally, some individuals may be involved in multiple associations represented in RAAC; however, an individual may only serve as a RAAC regional representative for one association.

Recommendations for RAAC Representatives

  1. They should serve a two-year term and may only serve two consecutive terms.
  2. They should attend RAAC’s annual general meeting, which takes place during the Society of American Archivists’ annual meeting. If the RAAC representative is unable to attend, they must find another attendee to represent them at the annual general meeting.
  3. They should forward pertinent RAAC emails to either their regional association’s listserv or executive board.
  4. They should respond to pertinent RAAC emails in a timely manner.



Last updated: 7/23/2020