2015 Nominees for the RMRT Steering Committee

Courtney Bailey

I have a master's degree with a concentration in archives and records management from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  I have been an SAA member since 2011, and I have been working as a records management analyst at the State Archives of North Carolina since 2014.  I recognize there are many records management initiatives currently taking place at the national, state, and local levels, especially in regards to electronic records.


I would enjoy the opportunity to participate in the RMRT steering committee both as a means to ask some of the relevant questions that need to be asked and to work to gather wisdom from more experienced practitioners who can illuminate the path for others to follow.  While the scale of records management activities nowadays can be daunting, I know there are already solutions to many of these problems, and I would like to see the RMRT steering committee help facilitate conversations between those who need to know and those who are in the know.


Ray Barker

I am nominating myself to serve on the RMRT steering committee. I have a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Emporia State University with a certification in Archives in 2005. I have worked largely in university special collections, but did contract work for the U.S. Army as an archivist, as well as a project manager for an archives processing project with the National Park Service. I currently work as Chief Archivist/Librarian at Glenstone, a private art museum 40 minutes outside Washington, DC in Potomac, MD.


We are just at the earliest stages of establishing a RM program at our museum, and believe I can provide information on what we’ve learned thus far, as well as receive helpful strategies and tactics from others as we move forward. I am excited to serve in this capacity.


Hillary Gatlin 

Hillary Gatlin is the University Records Manager for Michigan State University. In her work for University Archives and Historical Collections, she oversees the university’s records management program, including retention of university records in both paper and electronic formats. She received her MLIS with a concentration in Archives and Records Management from the University of Pittsburgh. Hillary has previously worked as an archival intern at the Andy Warhol Museum and as the Records Management Specialist for George Mason University. Hillary is a board director for her local Mid-Michigan ARMA Chapter and is an active member of ARMA International. She was also a program committee member for the 2015 Michigan Archival Association Conference.


If selected for the Records Management Roundtable Steering Committee, I would be interested in contributing to the growing records management community and continuing the roundtable’s excellent outreach program, including the development of records management training for individuals new to records management responsibilities. As someone who is currently in the process of strengthening a large academic institution’s records management program, I feel that collaboration between both the archival and records management  communities will be a crucial to success as both parties deal with the growing electronic records environment.


Nick Pavlik

Nick Pavlik is the Senior Archivist at the   92nd Street   Y in   New York  , where he is also responsible for overall records management operations and is spearheading an initiative to implement a born-digital records management program.  Nick was previously an archivist at the Brooklyn Historical Society.  He received an MLS degree from   Queens   College   of the City University of New York in 2011.


As an institutional archivist, I’ve come to recognize the great value to be gained in advocating for a closer connection between the archives and records management fields.  The opportunity to serve on the RMRT Steering Committee would be a great way to work with colleagues to support initiatives that bridge this disciplinary gap.


Alex J. Toner, MLIS

I have been active in the archival and recordkeeping profession for five years. During that time I earned my MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh; processed hundreds of distinct collections while supervising graduate students as a NHPRC Project Archivist at the Senator John Heinz History Center; and managed retention schedules, directed digitization projects, and established an electronic records program as the Archives and Records Manager in the Office of the University Registrar at Pitt. On campus, I am a member of the Staff Association Council, a mechanism for shared governance between the administration and staff throughout the University. Additionally, I serve as a board member of The Warren A. Sill Fund, an Ohio nonprofit organization that awards annual scholarships to students at Kent State University. Originally from North West Pennsylvania, I have lived in Pittsburgh for the past five years. Outside the office I’m an avid runner, an ardent reader, enjoy guitar, golfing, and going to baseball games, and try to camp and hike several times a year. Recent vacations have revolved around road tripping; I’d like to travel to every state in the U.S.!


My archival experience in a cultural heritage organization combined with my current position’s emphasis on records management has spurred my interest in the contemporary overlap of such traditionally separate roles. I would use an RMRT steering committee position as an opportunity to promote more emphasis on the records management presence within SAA, in particular encouraging those managing information across both the records management and archival continuum. Personally, I am interested in advancing my involvement with SAA through active engagement. I’ve applied for an awards subcommittee position, submitted a session proposal, and post on the archives and archivist listserv. Being selected as a RMRT steering committee member will enable my growth within SAA and allow me to assist in the growth of our roundtable, pursue membership goals, and support SAA from the inside out.