August 2010 Meeting Agenda and Reports

Society of American Archivists
American Archivist Editorial Board and Publications Board
Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
McKinley Room - Marriott Wardman Park



* denotes attachment below

I.   Welcome and Introductions - Mary Jo Pugh * and Peter Wosh *

II.  Minutes (reference; approved September 2009) *

III.   Council Update - Thomas Frusciano and Diane Vogt-O'Connor

IV.   Financial Overview - Nancy Beaumont

V.  Publishing Program Report + DC 2010 Pubs Activities - Teresa Brinati *

VI.  "Fundamental Change" NHPRC Grant Proposal - Deborah Wythe

VII.   SAA 75th Anniversary and American Archivist - Bill Landis *

VIII.   Book Review Initiatives - Amy Cooper Cary

IX.  Any Other Business



Society of American Archivists
Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Taft Room - Marriott Wardman Park



* denotes attachment below

I.    Minutes (for reference; approved Sept. 2009) *

II.   From the Chair of the Board - Peter Wosh

III.   Publications Program Reports - Teresa Brinati

         A. Publications Revenue and COGS Reports *
         B. Project Status *

IV.  “Fundamental Change” NHPRC Grant Proposal - Deborah Wythe *

V.  HathiTrust and SAA Publications *

VI.   Potential Projects

A. Management of Local Government Records *
B. Functions and Activities Thesaurus *
C. Archives Assessment and Planning Workbook *
D. Electronic Records Manual
E. "Festschrifts"
F. Glossary updating
G. What else?

VII.  Any Other Business

PubsEditor-Aug2010.pdf13.44 KB
Agendas-Aug10-11-2010.pdf27.59 KB
AAEditor-Report-Aug2010.pdf45.07 KB
Minutes-Jt-08-11-09.pdf45.53 KB
DirPubReport-V2.pdf158.33 KB
SAA-75th-Ann-AA.pdf30.92 KB
PubsRevCOGS-063010.pdf7.4 MB
Minutes-PB-08-12-09.pdf49.37 KB
ProjectStatus.pdf45.02 KB
Fundamental-ChgAug2010.pdf93.98 KB
Hathi-Trust-Titles.pdf224.82 KB
ArchivesAssessPlanWkbkAug2010.pdf9.28 MB
MgmntLocalGovtRecs-Response-07142010.pdf29.26 KB
FunctionsThesaurusAug2010.pdf611.99 KB