"Children in swimming pool, recreational or amusement area, Hartford." Photographer unknown, City Parks Collection, Hartford History Center, Hartford Public Library.
News & Announcements
Need some help getting out the word about your collections? Take a look at our resources!
Meeting agenda and minutes
Have a cool photo to feature? We’d love to show it off for you. (Click for more information)
In 2015 we plan to provide a growing online resource list for PLASC members, with information closely tied to PLASC concerns. We also want to hear from you about your favorite tools and we hope you will help us populate the list. We really would like the resources to come from those who use them!
A tool to help you network with your PLASC colleagues. Read here about some of our ideas for using the map. If you think of others, please let us know!
Member survey by Adrienne Pruitt and Stephanie Bennett, Survey Committee in 2013.
PLASC By-laws approved version.