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Hello everyone. The Oral History Section's Annual Meeting is on Wednesday, June 28th from 12pm-1:30pm EDT/9am-1030am PDT.
You must register to attend the meeting, which you can do by going to the event page for our meeting here: https://connect.archivists.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=3e726686-f4b8-494d-8982-01879f4ab9cd&Home=%2fhigherlogic%2fccadmin%2fadmin%2fevents%2fmanagecalendarevents.aspx
The agenda for our meeting is as follows:
1. Business Meeting (12-12:15 pm)
2. Presentations (12:15- 1 pm)
1. The John G. Heyburn II Initiative, Anu Kasarabada, University of Kentucky
2. The D.C. Punk Fanzines Oral History Project at the University of Maryland, John Davis, University of Maryland
3. Down the Bay Oral History Project; Mobile, Alabama, Deborah Gurt, University of South Alabama
3. Q & A (1-1:15 pm)
4. Year End Reflections and Hopes for the Upcoming Year (1:15-1:30 pm)
5. Meeting Close (1:30 pm)
The meeting will be recorded if you are not able to make it. If you have questions, thoughts, or concerns, please contact me or OHS Vice-Chair Krystal Tribbett. We hope to see you there!
John Davis
Chair, Oral History Section, 2022-2023
The 2023 OHS Annual Meeting will feature a comprehensive agenda, covering key topics in occupational health and safety. Registration information is available for those wishing to attend and participate in discussions and sessions. https://samehadaku.onl/