Slides & Videos

Museum Archives Section members participate in various talks, presentations and demonstrations, and when possible, we would like to share these with our membership.

The MAS 2024 section meeting featured presentations about steps archivists at three museums are taking to implement reparative description practices on institutional records. Though the principles discussed in articles and conference presentations apply to and inform reparative description of institutional records, specific examples and practices are often not included in literature and conference presentations on the topic. The presenters shared policies, practices, and examples:

Reparative Description at the Dallas Museum of Art: From Audit to Access. Hillary Bober, Archivist, and Zoe Heinsohn, Assistant Archivist, Dallas Museum of Art

Files, Fields, & Schedules in an Art Museum Archive: The Case for Redescribing Legacy Records. Jenna Stout, Museum Archivist, Saint Louis Art Museum 

Migrating History: How Digital Asset Migrations Inspire Change. Allyce Farino, Assistant Archivist for Digital Assets, Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Museum Archives Symposium, co-hosted by the Museum Archives Section and the Yale Center for British Art (May 10, 2024). Timestamps for each session have been added to the program site.

Video, "Museum Archive Advocacy in the Private Nonprofit" (May 2015). Monica Rose, Director of the Library and Archives of the Holocaust Museum Houston

Video, “Born-Digital Records Program: A Work in Progress (2014). Nancy Enneking, Head of Institutional Records and Digital Stewardship at the Getty Research Institute