Roundtable Meeting Minutes - 2016 December 12

Roundtable Meeting Minutes

2016 December 12

  1. Administrative Work due to Name Change

    1. SAA will update the microsite with the relevant name changes:

      1. Name: Encoded Archival Standards Section

      2. Acronym: EAS

      3. Listserv Handle:

    1. We are responsible for changing our name, etc. on any external sites.  We have content on:

      1. Github (

        1. Patrick updated the display name but did not change the URL in order to preserve previously established links

      2. Facebook has already been updated

      3. Twitter

        1. Name and handle have been changed: it is now @EASSection.  The password to the account is also EASSection

      4. Laura will begin using calendar of topics she established to post content to both Twitter and Facebook

  2. EAD3 Migration Study Group (Elizabeth)

    1. Full draft nearly complete; report is on track for for release next year

  1. Webinar Series (Adrian/Patrick)

    1. SAA hasn’t responded to request for information on whether webinar software is available

      1. Adrian was looking into Free Conference Call

      2. Patrick will follow up with Felicia

    2. Some interested presenters are available

    3. Plan is to have 1-hour webinars in early 2017

  1. Incorporate other standards (EAC-F, EAC-G, EGAD, etc.) into the Roundtable Standards Portal

  1. Collection of “Wild” EAD3 Specimens

    1. Christy contacted Ruth Tillman, who agreed to have her EAD3 “Kitchen Sink” document put in the repository

    2. Christy also contacted Kate Bowers about having her EAD2002 “Kitchen Sink” guide included and will follow up

  1. Opportunities for collaboration in SAA Leadership

    1. Identify four primary projects for inclusion on spreadsheet, including types of software used and concerns


    3. Projects:

      1. Providing access to EAD3 guides

      2. Study group report

      3. Webinars