Roundtable Meeting Agenda/Minutes - 2016 October 25

Roundtable Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2016 October 25

Github Usernames: Patrick (pjg250), 

  1. Administrative Work due to Name Change (Elizabeth)

    1. Elizabeth will make a list of pages that need to be changed and post them in the Google Group

  1. EAD3 Migration Study Group (Elizabeth)

    1. Section drafts will be completed by early November; report is scheduled for release next year

  1. Social Media (Laura)

    1. Has compiled topics to post to Facebook on a monthly basis

    2. Elizabeth will follow up with Laura regarding sharing topics in the Google Group

  1. Webinar Series (Adrian/Patrick)

    1. Logistics

      1. Patrick will e-mail Felicia to see if SAA offers a webinar service that we can access

      2. Adrian will explore free webinar hosting options in case SAA does not offer the service (Meerkat, Periscope?)

      3. Adrian will reach out to Daniel Pitti (EGAD) and Gordon Daines (Study Groups) to see if they’d be willing to speak. Also check-in with early EAD3 implementers (NYPL, Notre Dame, others?)

    2. Topics

      1. EGAD RiC ontology

      2. EAD3 Study Group report

      3. Panel of early EAD3 implementers (NYPL, Archives Portal Europe, Notre Dame)

    3. Schedule won’t be set - webinars will be offered as feasible and as topics come up

  1. Incorporate other standards (EAC-F, EAC-G, EGAD, etc.) into the Roundtable Standards Portal

    1. Elizabeth to check in with Felicia on mechanics of updating the microsite

    2. Next step, update the content/nav to reflect EAS Section name change only (early 2017 timeframe?)

    3. Further out, build out the related links and update Standards Portal, to include references to additional encoded archival standards

  1. Collection of “Wild” EAD3 Specimens

    1. Intended to function as a “training library”

    2. Can request samples of EAD3 guides from EAD3 early implementer webinar panel speakers

    3. Christy will reach out to Ruth Tillman and Kate Bowers for “kitchen sink” EAD3 and EAD2002 guides respectively

      1. Ruth's kitchen sink:

    4. Adrian can create a new repo ("ead-specimens") for dropping off the files

    5. Our GitHub repos:




  1. Next Meeting

    1. Elizabeth will put together a Doodle poll for the week of December 15