Design Records Section


The Design Records Section (DRS) of the Society of American Archivists supports the preservation of architectural, engineering, landscaping, and construction records and brings together care-givers to discuss the storage, conservation, arrangement, and description problems inherent in specialized records. Our mission is to provide a forum for members to discuss issues related to access and management of architectural records and related fields. This site serves to fulfill this mission by providing a clearinghouse of information on architectural records in the spirit of the Cooperative Preservation of Architectural Records (COPAR).

Becoming a member of the section is as simple as logging in to the Society of American Archivists web site (you needn't be a member to create a logon account) and contacting the Design Records Section co-chairs. Section members meet once a year during the annual Society of American Archivists conference, and communicate throughout the year via the Design Records Section listserv.

News & Announcements

Nominations are now open for four leader positions of the Design Records Section!
Design Records Section leaders propose updates to the Standing Rules
Do you have an idea for an article, book, or presentation but don't want to go it alone?
The election results are in!
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