CPWG Meeting Agenda: Executive Meeting Agenda 08/08/2012

Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting
Cultural Property Working Group
Executive Meeting 

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 
9 – 10:30 am
San Diego Hilton Bayfront
Room: Sapphire 402 


  1. Summary of findings regarding one-on-one phone conversations: (10 min) 
  2. Request volunteers for chair position and suggestions for potential new members to submit to Danna Bell-Russel the new Vice President/President Elect.  (10 min.)
  3.  Discuss and clarify charge (30 min) 
  4. Discuss CPWG assigned task from SAA Strategic Plan (20 min.)
  5. Discuss projects and assignments  (15 min.)
    1. New projects ideas/suggestions   
  6. Final questions and summary of meeting (5 min.)