IMLS Grant

Creating a Research Agenda for the Archives Profession

The Society of American Archivists received a $150,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Grant program to establish a prioritized research agenda for the archival profession. Spearheaded by the Committee on Research, Data, and Assessment (CORDA), SAA will convene 35 archival experts, educators, community leaders, and grantmakers—archivists from across key sectors and professional positionality as well as relevant non-archivist stakeholders—to be part of a professionally facilitated two-day forum. The participants will transform the recently adopted SAA Research and Innovation Roadmap into a research agenda and a framework for its implementation and adoption. 

The two-day fourm will be held in-person in Chicago, Illinois on May 1-2, 2025.

The application to participate in the forum closed on December 20, 2024.

Useful Links

Research Agenda Advisory Collective Grant Narrative.pdf139.97 KB
Research Agenda Advisory Collective Application Rubric.pdf667.94 KB