CORDA Open House SAA Annual Meeting August 04, 2020

Committee on Research, Data and Assessment (CORDA)

Open House

Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting 2020

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time



SAA’s Committee on Research, Data, and Assessment (CORDA) presents a free and open forum on the Committee’s work on research/assessment, data, and advocacy. Three 45-minute sessions interspersed with 15-minute breaks give participants flexibility to engage with the topics of greatest interest.

Session 1 focuses on the value and usefulness to archivists of collecting systematic data on the archives profession, archivists, and archival organizations. Facilitators: CORDA co-chairs Jennifer King and Paul Conway

Session 2 is all about the potential of the new SAA Dataverse repository.  Facilitator: Erin Passehl Stoddart

Session 3 highlights CORDA’s work to reimagine how facts and figures can support advocacy for the work and impact of archives. Facilitator: Dennis Meissner

Each session will include an overview and brief presentation, followed by significant time for discussion, feedback and engagement with attendees.