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College & University Archives Section Steering Committee meeting
Feb 4, 2019 1-2 pm Eastern time via virtual meeting
Name |
Attending? (Y/N) |
Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez |
N |
Greg Bailey |
N |
Ellen Engseth |
Y |
Christy Fic |
N |
Rebecca Goldman |
N |
Lae'l Hughes-Watkins |
N |
Petrina Jackson |
N |
Tracy Jackson |
Y |
Benn Joseph |
Y |
Michelle Sweetser |
Y |
Christina Zamon |
Y |
Old Business:
Student Labor theme:
a. Update? : Ellen will send out the 2018 Section Meeting discussion notes, and the student labor bibliography and reading list, to members for their use.
b. Proposal/ question from Students and New Archival Professionals Section (EE) : SNAP kindly approached us regarding potential to work with them on their next year theme (related to student labor: internships). We decided we must decline due to already announcing our theme of campus histories. EE will offer them our outcomes from this past year.
New Business:
Our discussion included the ideas received so far and some of the agenda items below; we are beginning to form some ideas for this spring’s work (such as finding authors to write on this general topic so as to generate knowledge and discussion points, and also to generate pieces for our two publications (blog and Case Studies).
2. “Special Project Funding” request to SAA due March 1: We had no clear idea for this, but are considering.
3. Section annual meeting planning: August 3rd 2019.
We are to fill out form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2019-SAA-Section-Meetings-Info-Form; EE will complete the form and submit by deadline.
4. Update on creating/developing a course for SAA :
Per Rana Hutchinson Salzmann at SAA, from Benn: yes, sections and sub-groups of sections have proposed and developed workshops in the past. Let’s discuss whether this is something we’d like to pursue.
Next action: Benn and EE will have a phone conversation with Rana to explore this idea and learn about process/staff support/experts needed.
Council Update (Petrina): None
Academic Archivist blog and Campus Case Studies update:
Michelle will be contacting potential authors and ideas regarding student labor-related posts.
Other: no other discussions.