Call for nominations for ARCS Steering Committee!

The SAA Archivists of Religious Collections Section has openings for two leadership positions:

Vice Chair (serves 1 year as Vice Chair and then 1 year as Chair).


  • Send out call for Steering Committee nominations – request name, affiliation, bio, and statement of interest,
  • Submit candidate biographies to Newsletter Editor and Microsite Coordinator.
  •  Send ballot information (listing of offices, number of vacancies, names of candidates, links to candidate statements) to SAA at least eight weeks prior to Annual General Meeting.
  • SAA will conduct the election in July and provide results to the Vice-Chair
  •  Assist Chair with organizing Annual General Meeting program and preparing agenda.
  • Send thank you notes to Annual General Meeting presenters and out-going Steering Committee members.

Member at Large (serves 2 years and is eligible for re-election).


  • Duties assigned by Chair. These could include assisting with Annual General Meeting planning, serving on the Sister M. Claude Lane Awards committee, or serving on the Models and Resources Committee.

The SAA ARCS Steering Committee meets every two months.

If interested, please submit the following by June 1, 2024 to Erin Louthen at

  • Candidate name
  • Job title and institution
  • Bio and candidate statement (1-2 paragraphs) describing your background and motivations for serving.

Becoming involved in section leadership is a great way to help set the course for section priorities, develop new initiatives, and connect with colleagues. 

All members of the section are eligible to be nominated. We welcome archivists at all levels of their careers, including new professionals, mid-career archivists, and seasoned veterans. 

The only requirement is membership in SAA and the section itself. 

You may self-nominate.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your nominations!