Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section

The Section provides a forum for discussion of issues and interests pertaining to the acquisition and appraisal of public records, private papers, and other archival or manuscript collections.

Please note that this page is undergoing revisions. You might encounter outdated information that is in the process of being updated.

News & Announcements

Contains information on upcoming meetings, announcements, and useful information for those interested in acquisition and appraisal issues.
The Acquisitions and Appraisal Section has two candidates for the Steering Committee. Cast your ballots online!
Graduate students- we need your help! We can't offer money or even experience working in an archives. What we CAN offer is a position that will enhance any resume, the opportunity to work directly with professional archivists, and the chance to network with SAA members (and who knows where that may lead you!) Please view the description and apply by January 27, 2013.
Contains information on the upcoming section meeting, announcements, and useful information for those interested in acquisition and appraisal issues.
Results of a survey distributed to members of the Acquisitions and Appraisal Section, Spring 2011 (results compiled August 2011).
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