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Who We Are
The Section leadership team meets quarterly to discuss ongoing projects and prepare for Section events at the Annual Meeting. Our Section is currently operating with the following subcommittee groups for the 2020-2021 term:
Purpose: Provide leadership in developing and sharing acquisitions and appraisal resources for those engaged in archival selection, to keep best practices and standards relevant and updated, and to encourage dialogue about changing needs and frameworks for appraisal in theory and practice.
Project(s): Starting in 2016, the Best Practices Subcommittee conducted a survey on collection development policies and better understand what kinds of institutional policies exist and policy documentation that us made publically accessible. Survey results were compiled and reported on in 2017, and Subcommittee members are currently working on creating a resource toolkit for writing institutional policy that will be made available on the Section microsite.
In 2017, the Subcommittee also released a Bibliography document on appraisal and acquisition. The Bibliography listing is free and open via Zotero and is intended to be an ongoing collaborative tool. Contributions to the document welcome! See more about the Bibliography here.
Purpose: Previously known as the Social Media Subcommittee, at the end of the 2018 term the subcommittee changed its name to better reflect its objectives – engaging the professional community and sharing Section work.
Project(s): This Members’ Welcome page is one new project we hope will provide clear information about current Section activities, especially for new members.
We manage the Section’s social media (follow @AppraisalSAA or like our Facebook group), and organize articles to run on our blog, Assigning Value. Interested in posting for our blog? Reach out to us – new writers welcome!
Current Project: With the help of the Section team, our Chair and Vice Chair take the lead on organizing the year-end events during the SAA Annual Meeting. At the Archives * Records 2019 conference, we teamed up with the Electronic Records Section for our business meetings and joint panel session.
Planning for the upcoming 2020 SAA Annual Meeting in Austin is currently underway.
Each year, a Nominating Committee is also formed by the two newly-elected Section members and led by the Immediate Past Chair. This Subcommittee facilitates the candidate nominations for elected positions in the annual Section elections. Interested in joining Section leadership? Reach out to Outgoing Chair Christian Kelleher (contact details available through the SAA Member Directory).
For more information on recent Section work, check out our 2018-2019 annual report submitted to the SAA Council.
Have questions or feedback about Section projects? Get in touch with our Section Chair, Alexis Antracoli (contact details available through the SAA’s Member Directory).
Last updated 2021/05/06